Literary Magazine


Issues 001 - 002

Kim Brandon


time for another love poem 

time to get my big love
out of the pawnshop 

time to collect bottles and can
for 5 cent deposits 

before time is up 
before someone buys my sweet love 

before they repurpose my joy
before they strip off the patina 

mistaking it 
for dirt



Kim Brandon is a Poet/Artist/Activist/Storyteller.  Her work has been included in stage performances, anthologies, and journals. She is a 2021 Brooklyn Poets’ Poet of the Week and a VONA alum.  She has attended Wild Seed Retreats and a Cave Canem Writers Workshops.  She is the founder of Brooklyn Society Writers group and the host of writing workshops for people of color. This year her work centers on the revolutionary power of Black love.  A Joe for Annie Mae, highlights the transformative power of love in the lives of those who seek it.  She is hoping to publish her first poetry collection, Red Honey, in 2022.

All Brad Walrond